Diagnosis and Management in Primary Care: A Problem-based Approach

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  • 定價:660

  • Diagnosis and Management in Primary Care: A Problem-based Approach

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      This book aims to provide medical students with some basic principles of diagnosis and management, medico-legal pitfalls and roles of evidence in primary care. Using practical examples, the whole mental process of arriving at a clinical diagnosis is clearly described, with emphasis on important signs or symptoms and investigations to look out for.

      The book is designed to take the reader to the next step of health assessment, beyond basic history and physical examination and into a diagnostic reasoning process. The primary care provider who masters the differential diagnosis in this book will be able to accurately diagnose the majority of patients seen in practice today. This book is an essential text for all medical students and primary care trainees.


    William C. W. Wong

      is Assistant Professor in the Department of Community and Family Medicine, and Co-director of Men??s Health Diploma, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

    Martin Lindsay

      is Undergraduate Tutor for University College and Royal Free Hospital Medical Schools, London, UK.

    Albert Lee

      is Professor and Head of Family Medicine Unit, and Director of Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


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      保健書壹壹 醫療書 養生書

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